

Chercheur Thales

D. Crété, J. Kermorvant, Y. Lemaître, B. Marcilhac, S. Mesoraca, J. Trastoy, C. Ulysse, Evaluation of Self-Field Effects in Magnetometers Based on Meander-Shaped Arrays of Josephson Junctions or SQUIDs Connected in Series, Micromachines 12 (2021) 1588.
D. Crété, J. Kermorvant, Y. Lemaître, B. Marcilhac, S. Mesoraca, J. Trastoy, C. Ulysse, Comparison of Magnetic Field Detectors Based On SQUID And/Or Josephson Junction Arrays With HTSc, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 31 (2021) 1601006.
F. Couëdo, E. Recoba Pawlowski, J. Kermorvant, J. Trastoy, D. Crété, Y. Lemaître, B. Marcilhac, C. Ulysse, C. Feuillet-Palma, N. Bergeal, J. Lesueur, High-Tc superconducting detector for highly-sensitive microwave magnetometry, Applied Physics Letters 114 (2019) 192602.
A. Labbé, E. Parzy, E. Thiaudière, P. Massot, J.-M. Franconi, C. Ulysse, Y. Lemaître, B. Marcilhac, D. Crété, J. Kermorvant, Effects of flux pinning on the DC characteristics of meander-shaped superconducting quantum interference filters with flux concentrator, Journal of Applied Physics 124 (2018) 214503.
E. Pawlowski Recoba, J. Kermorvant, D. Crété, Y. Lemaître, B. Marcilhac, C. Ulysse, F. Couëdo, C. Feuillet-Palma, N. Bergeal, J. Lesueur, Static and radio frequency magnetic response of high T c superconducting quantum interference filters made by ion irradiation, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 31 (2018) 095005.
D. Crété, A. Sene, A. Labbe, E. Pawlowski Recoba, J. Kermorvant, Y. Lemaitre, B. Marcilhac, E. Parzy, E. Thiaudiere, C. Ulysse, Evaluation of Josephson Junction Parameter Dispersion Effects in Arrays of HTS SQUIDs, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 28 (2018) 1602506.
S. Menshawy, A.S. Jenkins, K.J. Merazzo, L. Vila, R. Ferreira, M.-C. Cyrille, U. Ebels, P. Bortolotti, J. Kermorvant, V. Cros, Spin transfer driven resonant expulsion of a magnetic vortex core for efficient rf detector, in: AIP Advances, 2017: p. 056608.
S. Ouanani, J. Kermorvant, C. Ulysse, M. Malnou, Y. Lemaitre, B. Marcilhac, C. Feuillet-Palma, N. Bergeal, D.-G. Crété, J. Lesueur, High-Tc superconducting quantum interference filters (SQIFs) made by ion irradiation, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 29 (2016) 094002.
S. Ouanani, J. Kermorvant, D.-G. Crété, Y. Lemaitre, J.-C. Mage, B. Marcilhac, N. Bergeal, M. Malnou, J. Lesueur, D. Mailly, C. Ulysse, HTS ion damage Josephson junction technology for SQUID arrays, in: 11TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (EUCAS2013), PTS 1-4, 2014: p. 042008.
S. Ouanani, D.-G. Crété, J. Kermorvant, Y. Lemaitre, B. Marcilhac, J.-C. Mage, J. Lesueur, N. Bergeal, C. Feuillet-Palma, C. Ulysse, D. Mailly, Effect of Barrier Geometry for HTS Ion Damage Josephson Junctions, in: 2013 IEEE 14TH INTERNATIONAL SUPERCONDUCTIVE ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (ISEC), IEEE; IEEE Council Superconduct; Out Fog Res; Russian Quantum Ctr; ONR, Dept Navy, 2013.
J. Kermorvant, K. van der Beek, J.-C. Mage, B. Marcilhac, Y. Lemaitre, J. Briatico, R. Bernard, J.-E. Villegas, Joule heating and high frequency nonlinear effects in the surface impedance of high Tc superconductors, Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009) 023912.
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