Our DNA since the creation of the laboratory
by its founders:
To build on fundamental research in spintronics, superconductivity,
oxitronics and, more recently, neuromorphic physics;
To develop innovative applications in information and
communication, quantum technologies and beyond-CMOS electronics.
True amplification of spin waves in magnonic nano-waveguides
Magnonic nano-devices exploit magnons - quanta of spin waves - to transmit and process information within a single integrated platform that has the potential to outperform traditional semiconductor-based electronics.
Unravelling the key aspects for the reliable synthesis of superconducting nickelates
Scientists have successfully modulated magnetic information using electrical pulses while converting it into a polarized light signal. This discovery, described in the journal Nature, could revolutionize long-distance optical telecommunications.
From Earth to Mars: Transporting spin information at the speed of light !
Scientists have successfully modulated magnetic information using electrical pulses while converting it into a polarized light signal. This discovery, described in the journal Nature, could revolutionize long-distance optical telecommunications.