Spintronics I: low dimensionality, interfaces and conversion effects
In a nutshell
This research topic aims to explore and exploit new magnetic and spin-dependent transport properties arising from nanometric multilayer engineering, interface effects engineering or, more generally, symmetry breaking. The main studies concern the development of magnetic multilayers to create and manipulate two- and three-dimensional chiral magnetic textures, the generation and optimization of charge-spin and charge-orbit conversion effects in heterostructures integrating strong spin-orbit coupling metals or topological insulators, and the integration of molecular and 2D compounds in spintronic devices. The aim is to develop new opportunities for MRAM magnetic memories, Beyond-CMOS and neuro-inspired components.
We study the static and dynamic properties of various chiral magnetic textures such as magnetic skyrmions and, more recently, three-dimensional textures like cocoons. We draw on our expertise in building magnetic multilayers and engineering their magnetic properties, including their anisotropy, dipolar couplings and chiral interface interaction. We use various imaging techniques combined with transport measurements and simulations to characterize the static and dynamic properties of chiral textures. In addition to these fundamental studies, we are seeking to optimize them for use in devices such as neuro-inspired components.
Charge-spin and charge-orbit conversion
Spin-charge conversion (SCC) and reciprocal phenomenon gather several physical effects required to promote efficient spin-currents and/or spin accumulations effects under a current application. These current/accumulation are generated owing to the spin-orbit interactions of bulk materials (Inverse Spin Hall Effects with heavy metals e.g. Pt, W, Ta) and/or at their interfaces (Rashba interactions with topological insulators such as Bi1-xSbx or Bi2Se3). They may interact with a local magnetization until able to switch the magnetization. Beyond the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms, one goal is to take benefit of these effects for a rapid and energy-efficient magnetization switching that can be used in a new generation of MRAM magnetic memory technologies (SOT-MRAM), for a new generation of smart controllable TMR magnetic sensors as well as THz emitters in the time domain.
Molecular and 2D nanospintronics
The aim of this research area is to create synergies and develop new ideas at the interface between emerging nanoelectronics fields such as spintronics, molecular electronics and two-dimensional materials. The aim is to provide new solutions for the low-power electronics and “Beyond-CMOS”, by focusing on researching, understanding and exploiting new physical mechanisms beyond those usually available with conventional spintronic materials.
Current‐Induced Spin Torques on Single GdFeCo Magnetic Layers
The usual magnetic materials in spintronics, as Fe or Co, possess a small Spin-Orbit-Coupling (SOC). To circumvent this short-coming, the common practice has been to...
Chiral or not chiral, that’s the question!
Magnetic properties of ultrathin multilayers having a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have been extensively investigated in the 90’s.
Researcher/lecturer Université Paris-Saclay
PhD student
PhD student
Thales Researcher
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
CNRS Researcher
PhD student
CNRS Researcher
Emeritus Professor Université Paris-Saclay
CNRS Researcher
CNRS Engineer
CNRS Researcher
Phd Student
Thales Researcher
Thales Researcher
CNRS Researcher
Thales Researcher
PhD student
CNRS Researcher
CNRS Researcher
Thales Engineer
PhD student
Researcher/lecturer Université Paris-Saclay
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
Projects Manager