True amplification of spin waves in magnonic nano-waveguides
Magnonic nano-devices exploit magnons - quanta of spin waves - to transmit and process information within a single integrated platform that has the potential to outperform traditional semiconductor-based electronics.
Unravelling the key aspects for the reliable synthesis of superconducting nickelates
Scientists have successfully modulated magnetic information using electrical pulses while converting it into a polarized light signal. This discovery, described in the journal Nature, could revolutionize long-distance optical telecommunications.
From Earth to Mars: Transporting spin information at the speed of light !
Scientists have successfully modulated magnetic information using electrical pulses while converting it into a polarized light signal. This discovery, described in the journal Nature, could revolutionize long-distance optical telecommunications.
Disentangling Photodoping, Photoconductivity, and Photosuperconductivity in the Cuprates
In superconducting materials, the electric current flows without energy dissipation (zero electrical resistance). This happens only below a so-called critical temperature Tc. The cuprates are...
Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales becomes Laboratoire Albert Fert (CNRS – Thales – Université Paris Saclay)
Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS-Thales becomes Laboratoire Albert Fert
The Nellow team receives 1st prize at the HEC Challenge + Forum
Congratulations on this promising project by Jean-Philippe Attané, Manuel Bibes and Laurent Vila.
Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin–phonon interactions
Free-space THz emission resulting from the femtosecond demagnetization of a spintronic THz emitter, and the subsequent spin-charge conversion in high spin-orbit material, has recently been...
A multiferroic 2-dimensional electron gas
Multiferroics are a family of materials in which two properties that do not usually go together coexist: magnetism and ferroelectricity. Magnetism occurs naturally in some...
Agnès Barthélémy elected to the French Academy of Sciences
Agnès Barthélémy is elected to the French Academy of Sciences. Congratulations to her. Press release (french).
An Oxygen Vacancy Memristor Ruled by Electron Correlations
Featuring in Advanced Science, our recent work demonstrates memristive switching effects produced by a redox-driven oxygen exchange in tunnel junctions based on NdNiO3, a strongly...
Agnès Barthélémy et Manuel Bibes are the joint winners of EPS Europhysics prize
Prof. Agnès Barthélémy and Dr. Manuel Bibes (CNRS/Thales laboratory of University Paris-Saclay), Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich) are...
Long-range, spin polarized Josephson supercurrents across a half-metal
The Josephson effect results from the coupling of two superconductors through a non-superconducting material (insulator, ordinary metal, graphene...), allowing the passage of an electric supercurrent...
Laëtitia Baringthon laureate of France 2021 l’Oréal-UNESCO young talent award
Congratulations to Laëtitia Baringthon for the France 2021 l’Oréal-UNESCO young talent award.
Large topological Hall effect in SrIrO3 induced by proximity with a half-metallic ferromagnet
The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is an intriguing transport phenomenon occurring typically in ferromagnets as a consequence of broken time reversal symmetry and spin-orbit interaction....
Spin-pumping and magnetization dynamics in antiferromagnets
Spintronics utilizes the electronic spin for information processing and microelectronics. Currently, spintronic devices are mostly based on ferromagnetic device architectures. In view of long-term perspectives...
Agnès Barthèlémy laureate of the IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel medal
Agnès Barthèlémy is laureate with Nicola Spaldin of the 2021 IUPAP Magnetism Award and Néel medal, a prize awarded every three years for researches...
Current‐Induced Spin Torques on Single GdFeCo Magnetic Layers
The usual magnetic materials in spintronics, as Fe or Co, possess a small Spin-Orbit-Coupling (SOC). To circumvent this short-coming, the common practice has been to...
Julie Grollier, Laureate of the 2021 Irène Joliot-Curie Prize
Julie Grollier is the laureate of the Irène Joliot-Curie Prize 2021 in the category Woman Scientist of the Year. Congratulations! ...
Steffen WITTROCK laureate of the PhOM PhD prize
Steffen WITTROCK is the laureate of the PhOM 2020 thesis prize for his thesis entitled "From noise & stability to synchronization & complex dynamics...
SFP “Young researcher” prize for William Legrand
Congratulations to William Legrand Winner of the SFP’s 2019 Saint-Gobain Young Researchers’ Prize.William received his PhD from the University of Paris-Saclay in 2019. His...
Quasiparticle tunnel electroresistance in superconducting junctions
The term tunnel electroresistance (TER) denotes a fast, non-volatile, reversible resistance switching triggered by voltage pulses in ferroelectric tunnel junctions. It is explained by subtle...
Inverse transition in ferroelectric thin films
Ferroelectric materials are made of domains in which electric dipoles are all aligned in the same direction. The manipulation of these domains by an electric...
William Legrand laureate of the SFNano – C’Nano 2019
William Legrand is the laureate of the SFNano - C’Nano 2019 thesis prize in the "Fundamental research" category. He will receive his prize on...
Giant topological Hall effect in correlated oxide thin films
In this article, we demonstrated large topological Hall effect in lightly doped (Ca,Ce)MnO3 thin films. Magnetic force microscopy experiments revealed the presence of magnetic bubbles...
Coupled nano-oscillators capable of recognizing vowels according to a learning rule
Physicists have succeeded in fabricating a network of four coupled nano-oscillators capable of recognizing spoken vowels by tuning their frequencies according to an automatic rule...
Sophie d’Ambrosio, lauréate de la bourse L’Oréal-UNESCO
Sophie d’Ambrosio, post-doctorante au laboratoire, est lauréate de la Bourse L’Oréal-UNESCO "Pour les Femmes et la Science " 2018. Communiqués du CNRS et...
Neural-like computing with populations of superparamagnetic basis functions
In neuroscience, population coding theory demonstrates that neural assemblies can achieve fault-tolerant information processing. Mapped to nanoelectronics, this strategy could allow for reliable computing with...
Julie Grollier, 2018 CNRS silver medal laureate
Julie Grollier, CNRS Senior scientist, has received the 2018 CNRS silver medal. Read the press release.
Prix La Recherche 2017 pour la mise au point d’un nanoneurone artificiel
Le prix La Recherche 2017 catégorie Physique récompense les travaux sur les calculs neuromorphiques réalisés par des oscillateurs spintroniques [1]. Site La Recherche...
Chiral or not chiral, that’s the question!
Magnetic properties of ultrathin multilayers having a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have been extensively investigated in the 90’s.
Manuel Bibes – Descartes-Huygens prize laureat
The Dutch chemist Daniël Vanmaekelbergh and the French physicist Manuel Bibes have received the Descartes-Huygens Prize 2017. The two nanoscientists have been awarded the...
Eva Grimaldi lauréate du prix de thèse DGA 2017
Eva Grimaldi est lauréate du prix de thèse DGA 2017 pour ses travaux intitulés "Etude des propriétés non-linéaires et de l’origine du bruit...
Agnès Barthélémy lauréate du Prix LAZARE-CARNOT 2017
Agnès Barthélémy, professeur à l’université Paris-sud, membre de l’Institut universitaire de France, est la lauréate du Prix Lazare-Carnot 2017 de l’Académie des sciences. Académie...
DAUMET lauréate de Start-up Connexion 2017
La start-up DAUMET est l’une des huit lauréates de l’édition 2017 du concours Start-up Connexion organisé par le CNRS et Groupe AEF. DAUMET...
Maëlis Piquemal, lauréate de la bourse L’Oréal-UNESCO
Maëlis Piquemal, doctorante au laboratoire sous la direction de Pierre Sénéor, est lauréate de la Bourse l’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science...
Marie-Blandine Martin has received the PhD prize Thales
Marie-Blandine Martin has received the PhD prize Thales for her PhD work on "Spintronics with graphene", under supervision of Pierre Seneor. ...
Mathieu Grisolia has received the 2016 MRS Gold Medal
Mathieu Grisolia, PhD student at the CNRS/Thales lab, has received the 2016 Gold Medal of the Materials Research Society (MRS) for his work as...
Nicolas Locatelli est lauréat d’un des prix de thèse 2015 du Triangle de la Physique
Nicolas Locatelli, actuellement post-doctorant à l’Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale à Orsay, est l’un des lauréats des prix de thèse décernés cette année par le...
Albert Fert lauréat du Prix Gay-Lussac Humboldt 2014
Albert Fert, prix Nobel de physique en 2007, est l’un des cinq lauréats du prix Gay-Lussac Humboldt pour l’année 2014, attribué le 22...
LAZARE-CARNOT 2013 prize
Vincent Cros, CNRS researcher, has received the "Grand Prix Lazare-Carnot" from "l’Académie des sciences".
Agnès Barthélémy, 2010 CNRS silver medal laureate
Agnès Barthélémy, professor at the Université Paris Sud 11 has received the 2010 CNRS silver medal.
Julie Grollier, Jacques Herbrand 2010 Prize
Julie Grollier, CNRS scientist, has received 2010 Jacques Herbrand Prize (Académie des sciences).