Functional oxides
In a nutshell
Transition metal oxides possess several linked degrees of freedom (spin, charge, orbital symmetry) that give rise to different electronic properties within crystal structures. The aim of the functional oxides topic is to combine these functionalities in epitaxial thin-film heterostructures, discover new ones at the interfaces between different oxides, and explore their application potential.
We investigate the properties of oxide quantum matter in low-dimensions, aiming to engineer and harness their unique properties. In particular, we use the Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) of interfacial 2-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) to achieve spin-charge interconversion, with record efficiencies. We also explore the interaction of SOC with superconductivity with a view towards topological superconductivity. Finally, we introduce ferroic orders in 2DEGs to achieve non-volatile functionalities for beyond CMOS.
The “Multiferroics” research topic is dedicated to the physics of the coupling between epitaxial stresses, polar order and magnetic order in functional oxide thin films. We exploit magnetoelectric coupling for deterministic control of antiferromagnetic textures by an electric field in multiferroic films. We aim to produce neuromorphic devices from ferroelectric, antiferroelectric and relaxor ultrathin films.
Nickelates compounds
The family of rare-earth (R) nickelates compounds exhibit an astonishing array of electronic and magnetic phenomena. On the one hand, superconductivity was recently discovered (2019) in the layered compound when hole-doped (RNiO2), but is still poorly reproducible. Therefore, we are currently focused on improving the challenging synthesis of such superconducting phase, with the goal of attaining a precise control over it and eventually fabricate nanodevices. On the other hand, the perovskite phase (RNiO3) shows a highly tuneable metal-insulator transition. We aim at achieving an active control on the metal-insulator transition temperature by strain engineering, which could enable the use of these compounds for applications in infrared camouflage.
Unravelling the key aspects for the reliable synthesis of superconducting nickelates
Scientists have successfully modulated magnetic information using electrical pulses while converting it into a polarized light signal. This discovery, described in the journal Nature, could revolutionize long-distance optical telecommunications.
A multiferroic 2-dimensional electron gas
Multiferroics are a family of materials in which two properties that do not usually go together coexist: magnetism and ferroelectricity. Magnetism occurs naturally in some...
Agnès Barthélémy elected to the French Academy of Sciences
Agnès Barthélémy is elected to the French Academy of Sciences. Congratulations to her. Press release (french).
Agnès Barthélémy et Manuel Bibes are the joint winners of EPS Europhysics prize
Prof. Agnès Barthélémy and Dr. Manuel Bibes (CNRS/Thales laboratory of University Paris-Saclay), Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh (UC Berkeley) and Prof. Nicola Spaldin (ETH Zurich) are...
Large topological Hall effect in SrIrO3 induced by proximity with a half-metallic ferromagnet
The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is an intriguing transport phenomenon occurring typically in ferromagnets as a consequence of broken time reversal symmetry and spin-orbit interaction....
Researcher/lecturer Université Paris-Saclay
CNRS Researcher
CNRS Engineer
Thales Researcher
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
Researcher/lecturer Université d’Evry
CNRS Researcher
CNRS Engineer
CNRS Researcher
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
PhD student
PhD student
PhD student
CNRS Engineer
PhD student
PhD student