In a nutshell
Superconductivity has been a central topic in condensed matter physics for over a century. Together with its fundamental interest, it offers a fertile ground for innovative technologies. The superconductivity group at the LAF works on both aspects: finding and tackling emergent physical problems as well as developing novel applications.
Much of our focus is on high-Tc superconducting systems. This choice is crucial for applications since devices based on those superconductors can operate at temperatures in the tens of K range, radically diminishing the burden of cryogenics both in terms of energy consumption and volume a formidable advantage compared to conventional low-TC superconductors. From the fundamental point of view, high-Tc superconductors constitute one of the major unsolved problems in condensed matter physics, and their d-wave pairing is an enriching ingredient in a variety of generic open problems from proximity effects to vortex physics and spin dynamics.
As we detail below, our activities in the area are organized in various research axes that span from quantum interference sensors and superconducting devices for information technologies, signal processing, computing, or medical imaging, to novel materials and superconducting hybrids.
Superconductors and their absence of electrical resistance can be harnessed for the analogue processing of RF signals selectively and without dissipation. An example is RF filters based on planar resonators manufactured by a microlithographic process, which offer an incomparable performance on a compact device. Josephson junctions are nanoscale structures where the subtler quantum properties of the superconducting state can be exploited. Naturally sensitive to magnetic fields, whether static or RF, we use them in quantum interference arrays that we develop as compact and ultra-wideband antennas.
Superconducting nanoelectronics
A remarkable property of superconductors is the total absence of electrical resistance below a critical temperature. This property makes it possible to produce devices for telecom systems with unrivalled frequency selectivity. But today we are going beyond the use of superconductors as simple materials with zero electrical resistance, by hybridizing them with other materials, or by micro and nanostructuring them, in order to obtain new functionalities and applications.
Superconducting hybrids
We study artificial structures (heterostructures, junctions) in which superconductors are combined with other materials (trivial metals, ferroics, Dirac materials like graphene, conventional semiconductors). In those hybrids, proximity effects, confinement, and the interplay between competing orders often yield novel physical properties and ground states nonexistent in the individual constituents.
Our objectives are therefore both to understand the physical mechanisms involved in that interplay, and to tailor and manipulate the hybrids’ properties with external stimuli. Those are the key steps for creating new superconducting applications and functionalities, the ultimate goal of this research.
Health systems
Thanks to their remarkable properties, superconductors can be used to improve the performance of medical imaging systems. Working with our collaborators (BioMaps, CRMSB, Chipiron), we are pursuing two ways: firstly, by increasing clinical field MRI images to unprecedented resolutions; secondly, by proposing a low-cost, transportable Low Field Imager prototype.
Disentangling Photodoping, Photoconductivity, and Photosuperconductivity in the Cuprates
In superconducting materials, the electric current flows without energy dissipation (zero electrical resistance). This happens only below a so-called critical temperature Tc. The cuprates are...
An Oxygen Vacancy Memristor Ruled by Electron Correlations
Featuring in Advanced Science, our recent work demonstrates memristive switching effects produced by a redox-driven oxygen exchange in tunnel junctions based on NdNiO3, a strongly...
Long-range, spin polarized Josephson supercurrents across a half-metal
The Josephson effect results from the coupling of two superconductors through a non-superconducting material (insulator, ordinary metal, graphene...), allowing the passage of an electric supercurrent...
Large topological Hall effect in SrIrO3 induced by proximity with a half-metallic ferromagnet
The anomalous Hall effect (AHE) is an intriguing transport phenomenon occurring typically in ferromagnets as a consequence of broken time reversal symmetry and spin-orbit interaction....
Quasiparticle tunnel electroresistance in superconducting junctions
The term tunnel electroresistance (TER) denotes a fast, non-volatile, reversible resistance switching triggered by voltage pulses in ferroelectric tunnel junctions. It is explained by subtle...
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